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Tips for a Healthier, Tooth-Friendly Halloween

‘Tis the season of candy, and as dental professionals with patients of all ages, we know cravings happen. But we believe “healthy” and “Halloween” can belong in the same sentence.

If you’re looking to pass out something unique that will treat – rather than trick — teeth, check out these seven items and make Halloween a healthier experience.

  1. Glow sticks. What kid wouldn’t like to light up the night while trick-or-treating?
  2. Stickers. Check your local dollar store and stock up on a variety of stickers fit for boys and girls of all ages.
  3. Temporary tattoos. What child doesn’t like to decorate an arm or a leg with some faux ink?
  4. Fun pencils, pens and crayons. Help neighborhood kids soar to the top of their class with these creative treats.
  5. Party favors. Check your local store for small trinkets like yo-yos, bouncy balls or rings typically used for birthday parties. These can be a big hit and last much longer than candy.
  6. Kid-approved snacks. Treats like small bags of pretzels, cheddar crackers and popcorn are popular and won’t cause a mouth full of cavities. Bonus points from parents who can slip these treats into their child’s lunchbox!
  7. Gum. Grab some multi-packs of sugar-free gum with Xylitol, a naturally occurring sweetener. Xylitol has been proven to help stop the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.

If you have your heart set on passing out candy, stick to plain chocolate bars that easily melt and avoid sweets like caramel and hard candies, which stick to teeth and cause bacteria to grow.

Halloween doesn’t have to be a disaster for your health and teeth. By switching out candy for trinkets, treasures and healthy treats, you will set a good example for your kids and not get tricked into cavities.

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Do you have any healthy Halloween tips? Please share!

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