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Dental Travel Tips for Your Summer Vacation

You’ve spent the last few weeks and months dreaming of your summer vacation and you probably imagined relaxation and family fun. You probably didn’t include an emergency trip to the dentist in your plans, and we don’t want that to be a part of your vacation any more than you do!

Doing everything in your power to keep your teeth healthy before and during your vacation will help you avoid having to make an unexpected dentist visit with an unfamiliar dentist, so follow these dental travel tips for your vacation this summer.

Schedule a Checkup Before You Go

Regardless of if you have a dental concern or not, you should schedule a dental checkup before you embark on your vacation. Seeing your own dentist will make you feel more comfortable than one you’re unfamiliar with, and he or she can reassure you that everything looks good before you leave for your trip.

Don’t Be Afraid to Call Your Dentist with Questions

If you have a dental concern or dental pain while you’re traveling, don’t hesitate to call your dentist and ask any questions you may have. If you chip a tooth, experience discomfort, or have another dental issue, your dentist can probably let you know over the phone if it needs to be treated immediately or if it can wait until you return home.

Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush

This seems obvious, but it happens more than you think. If you do forget your toothbrush, do your best to get to a drug store as quickly as possible to pick up a replacement. If you’re delayed in getting a new one, you can rinse your mouth out vigorously to clean it a little bit, or you can use a washcloth or your finger as a makeshift toothbrush for a temporary fix.

Keep Your Toothbrush Clean

Your toothbrush is likely one of those things that gets stuffed into your suitcase at the last second when you’re packing, traveling during vacation, or returning home. You don’t want it to get contaminated with deodorant, makeup, dirty shoes, or anything else that’s in your bag, so be sure to keep it clean. Put it in a plastic Ziploc bag or another closeable container to keep it clean during your entire trip. Additionally, if you’re ever in doubt about the safety of the local water at your vacation destination, use bottled water to brush your teeth to ensure your mouth and toothbrush stay clean.

Bring Along Some Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum that is approved by the American Dental Association can help decrease the likelihood of cavities. You can chew it for a little while after each meal to help get rid of the bad bacteria that comes from food and causes cavities. Another bonus is that gum is a great way to relieve ear pressure during a flight, so you can improve your oral health and relieve discomfort all at the same time.

As soon as you get home from your trip, be sure to get back on track with regular dental visits. Before you head out on your adventures this summer, schedule a visit with Dr. Dental to ensure your oral health is in top shape for your vacation.

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