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Don’t Forget to Put a Dental Cleaning on Your Back-to-School Checklist

Flossing and brushing your teeth twice a day may be one way to prevent cavities and decay, but even those who take great care of their teeth should visit our friendly smile experts at Dr. Dental for a cleaning every six months. This one-hour visit can uncover many oral health issues like cavities, periodontal disease and even oral cancer that could worsen if not treated.

A thorough dental cleaning twice a year is absolutely necessary for the sake of your teeth. In fact, regular cleanings and dental exams could mean the difference between having a healthy smile and painful, costly dental work. Even those who take perfect care of their teeth can be at risk for oral diseases due to daily habits, including food and lifestyle choices like smoking. Starting preventative care as early as one’s toddler years helps to ensure habits for gums, teeth and your mouth in general.

Back-to-school time is a great time to schedule a cleaning. While students pack their backpack with pencils and pens, don’t forget to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dental as well.

During the month of August, Dr. Dental will be offering 20 percent off the $57 cleaning price (regularly $222) for all new patients, which includes an exam, x-rays (bitewing) and a treatment plan. Print the coupon below and present it to the receptionist upon checking in for your appointment.


For more information on our $57 cleaning for new patients, visit our deals page or call to schedule an appointment.

Our family-owned dental offices are proud to bring affordable smiles to all ages at convenient locations in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New Jersey.

Want to learn more? Join us as we share tips and more fun facts on Facebook and Twitter.

*Please print and present prior to cleaning.*

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